Miso Steak

Serves 1 10 mins Prep 10 mins Cooking

  • 150g white miso paste
  • 240g sirloin steak, trimmed of visible fat
  • 1/2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 tsp Very Lazy Chopped Garlic
  • 4 cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1 courgette, topped and tailed
  • 1 large handful of baby spinach leaves
  • 25 grams pine nuts (toast these for extra smoky flavour!)

Miso Steak

Serves 1 10 mins Prep 10 mins Cooking

Cooking Steps

  • 1

    Place the miso paste into a bowl and pour in about 3 tablespoons of warm water, or just enough to make the paste spreadable. Lay the steak in the miso and swirl around slightly until it's well coated.

  • 2

    Next prep your courgetti, but while you're getting this ready you can preheat your griddle pan by chucking it on a high heat.

  • 3

    If you have a spiralizer, use that great time-saving gizmo. If not, you simply use a vegetable peeler to peel the courgette into ribbons, then slice the ribbons into thin, noodle-shaped batons.

  • 4

    Once this is done the griddle pan should be smoking hot. Fry the steak for 4 minutes on each side for medium rare (or cook to your own preference!). When cooked, remove the steak to a plate to rest until you're ready to eat.

  • 5

    While the steak's griddling away, melt the coconut oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Add you Very Lazy Garlic and tomatoes and stir-fry gently for 1 minute.

  • 6

    Then, turn the heat under the frying pan up and tip in your courgetti with the garlic and tomatoes. Stir-fry everything together for about 1 minute and then add the spinach. When the spinach has wilted and the courgette has warmed through, take the pan off the heat and pile the cooked veg high on a plate. Lay your perfectly cooked steak on top and scatter over the pine nuts to serve.

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